Dr. Vengurlekar, known as Dr. V, is one of the top AZ pain specialists in the field of pain management, and he has taken treating herniated discs to the next level with the introduction of the revolutionary coblation nucleoplasty procedure. Coblation nucleoplasty is a breakthrough outpatient procedure that uses plasma energy, providing pain relief to patients suffering from herniated discs.
Dr. Vengurlekar uses coblation nucleoplasty on patients that present themselves with chronic pain that is the direct result of a herniated disc. Herniated discs occur when cushion-like discs between vertebrae become warped, and bone is sitting on bone. This can be excruciatingly painful and there has never really been a cure for this condition, people just have to manage through the pain. Thankfully, top AZ pain specialist Dr. Vengurlekar has begun to perform coblation nucleoplasty which is effectively treating this condition, instead of supplying temporary relief.
Dr. Vengurlekar is a top AZ pain management specialist because he is focused on finding effective treatment options for persisting pain conditions instead of just utilizing outdated pain management techniques. This is a doctor that has spent much of his professional career treating chronic pain, and researching ways to improve his patients’ ways of life.
Coblation nucleoplasty by AZ pain management specialist Dr. Vengurlekar is a safe outpatient procedure that has few side effects. This procedure allows Dr. Vengurlekar to actually remove excess herniated disc material from between the vertebrae. Coblation nucleoplasty has been used over 4.5 million times to treat sufferers of herniated discs, and this outpatient surgery is typically recovered from in one day. The entire procedure takes about half an hour, and patients leave feeling less pain than when they entered.
Dr. Vengurlekar is not only a revolutionary in the field of medicine by implementing techniques like coblation nucleoplasty, but this AZ pain management specialist has also received a lot of achievements in his medical career. At the age of 16 Dr. Vengurlekar started medical school, and became a board-certified cardiothoracic surgeon, finding his passion in the field of pain management. This is why so many people suffering from chronic pain conditions seek out the treatments of this AZ pain management specialist Dr. Vengurlekar so that they can return to normal pain free lives.