Scottsdale Pain Management Specialist Dr. Vengurlekar recognizes that millions of people on a daily basis do a great deal of sitting. This includes the commute to work, sitting at a desk for hours, heading home, and spending additional time sitting. While it might be a necessity for everyday life, long periods of time spent seated have caused millions of people worldwide to suffer from constant back pain. Fortunately, there are ways to relieve the stress that people put on their back from day to day. One particular tool for use is a Standing Desk.
Regenerative Cell Therapy now offered in Scottsdale
If you are suffering from pain, check out our new Regenerative Cell Therapy now being offered in our state-of-the-art office in Scottsdale. This can be the answer you are looking for along with other minimally invasive procedures that can help relieve the pain.
While at work, any chance to relieve back pain is a plus, as recognized by Scottsdale Pain Management Specialist Dr. Vengurlekar. People who are concentrating on work can easily neglect proper posture by slouching in a chair, leaning forward over a keyboard, and not having their feet placed firmly on the floor. However, standing makes it naturally more comfortable to maintain better posture. This is due to less pressure put on the vertebrae compared to sitting. A Standing Desk helps users to reduce back strain by keeping a natural position.
There are additional benefits to a Standing Desk. Standing helps to strengthen leg muscles and cause fewer issues with digestion associated with sitting for long periods of time. By providing many natural benefits without a great deal of effort on the user’s part, a Standing Desk is a useful office tool to help alleviate the possibility of back pain from regular long-term sitting.
The newest Regenerative Cell Therapy can help your pain situation. Call today and see what Premier Pain Institute can offer you to help live a pain-free lifestyle.