Dr. Vengurlekar, a top AZ pain specialist, is considered to be a world leader in pain management, and has perfected a minimally invasive treatment designed to direct the medication to the source of the pain, doing away with the need for a cocktail of the highly addictive opiates that a doctor would normally prescribe in the pursuit of a workable treatment.
Top AZ pain specialist, Dr. Vengurlekar’s methods are revelatory in their approach, and his reputation as the leading specialist in the country is hitting the profits of the big guns.
For years, people suffering from acute pain have been forced to take ever-increasing doses of prescription drugs either in the form of tablets, patches, or in extreme cases, injections to alleviate their condition, often resulting in a chemical dependency, or even addiction, which a simple visit to a top AZ pain specialist would negate. The opiates, upon which these drugs are based, although strong analgesics do not provide complete analgesia and carry with them the risk of detrimental side effects as they act primarily upon the central nervous system and are not recommended by the Top AZ pain specialist.
Top AZ pain specialist, Dr. Vengurlekar’s procedure, on the other hand, is quick, efficient and highly effective.
By using the latest X-ray technology, and only a local anesthetic, top AZ pain specialist Doctor Vengurlekar, and his team of highly trained professionals can target the exact area that is causing the pain, and the procedure, which takes only a matter of minutes, gives his patients almost instant relief, without the need to undergo years of drug use or risky invasive surgery.
The Premier Pain Institute is an outstanding clinic in Scottsdale Arizona and top AZ pain specialist, Dr. Vengurlekar is a Board Certified Interventional Pain Specialist.
Pain Management, although in its infancy, now allows sufferers seeking a highly effective treatment to do away with the traditional profit-boosting, long-term treatments endorsed by the big pharmaceutical corporations and also leaves behind all of the associated risks that go with them. The top AZ pain specialist, Dr. Vengurlekar, can offer fast and effective relief from acute back and joint pain, and have you back on your feet, enjoying your life as you used to, only a few short minutes after your initial appointment.
For most people it is not worth risking chemical dependency, opiate addiction or a risky surgical procedure, which will only partially control the pain that is ruining their life. Visit the Top AZ pain specialist, Dr. Vengurlekar, and take back the control that you rightly deserve.
Premier Pain Institute
Scottsdale Interventional Pain Center,
10200 N. 92nd St, Suite #200 Medical Plaza 4,
Scottsdale, AZ
Tel: (480) 314-2288
Fax: (480) 314-1113